Located in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Healthy Being Cafe, Juicery and Wellbeing Market is a local, organic coldpress juicery, eatery and gathering space created by health and wellbeing coach Jessica Vandenbroeke.
We opened our little juice cabin in December 2013, after a year of building our reputation through Jessica’s health coaching programs and by selling coldpressed juice at the local farmers market and a yoga studio.
Our Intention is…
To give you convenient access to the most delicious and nourishing superfoods, beverages, products and inspiration that will energize your body, mind and soul so that you can feel great in your body and spirit.
Our Values include…
We select the freshest organic or local ingredients {better than organic}. We prepare our juice and food with care in small batches. Our juice is raw and NEVER heated, pasteurized or HPP’d (high pressure processed).
We know that healthy lifestyle choices are as or more delicious than any gourmet restaurant. Our vibrant foods are full of color, flavor, fresh herbs, spices and nutrient dense superfoods.
We aim to support and protect our earth and its vital resources. Our juices are bottled in glass, an endlessly recyclable and reusable material. Our takeaway food dishes are packaged in compostable containers and bags. We offer a rent a takeout box program for local breakfast and lunch guests. We reduce our waste stream significantly by partnering with local farms to ensure all of our raw vegetable scraps are fed to their pigs, chickens or composted for the gardens. We use very earth friendly cleaners like essential oils, vinegar and baking soda. We recycle every material we possibly can.
We participate as thought leaders in many community conversations concerning sustainability, health and our future. We donate to and support many local charities. Several times per week we offer below cost juice deals to support those on tighter budgets. Our incredible staff is our greatest asset and we strive to support them in every way. Conscious commerce is a daily practice because we believe that it is possible to have a thriving business where we support each other, our customers, our vendors, our partners and our community to have deeply satisfying connections in every experience inspiring a new paradigm in how success in business is defined.
(307) 200-9006
165 E Broadway
Jackson Hole, WY 83001
winter Hours
DAILY 7a–6p
DAILY 7a–6p
Give the gift of health with a Healthy Being Gift Card or Membership. Commit. Be rewarded.
Our memberships never expire and can be used for any Healthy Being Cafe, Juicery and Wellbeing Market purchases.
Sample Menu Subject to Change based on Seasonal Availability
Periodic cleansing offers an opportunity to rejuvenate your body, reset eating patterns, re-establish healthy habits, and refresh your mind & spirit.
one day reset $50
limit 1x per customer per week
We love the weekends, too. Whether you had a little too much fun this weekend or you’re just ready to start the week off right, this will flood your body with vitamins, minerals,and energy.
Includes: detox water, ginger wellness shot, two nut milks, two coldpressed juices.
just juice $3-Day $180 | 5-Day $300 | Additional Day $60
Our Signature juice cleanse, great for beginners and experienced cleansers alike. Flood your body with nutrients.
Includes: detox water, four coldpressed juices, one nut milk daily.
nourish $3-Day $150 | 5-Day $250 | Additional Day $50
Designed for those who want a digestive-soothing liquid cleanse with a little more fiber, healthy fats and proteins.
Includes: detox water, two coldpressed juices, one smoothie, one soup of the day, one nut milk.
clean eating challenge $3-Day $120 | 5-Day $200 | Additional Day $40
Jumpstart healthy habits, complement an active lifestyle, and feel amazing with this gentle juice and food detox.
Includes: detox water, one coldpressed juice, one soup of the day, one smoothie, one entree.
To signup for a cleanse package please visit us in our store 48 hours in advance or call us at 307.200.9006