Founder Jessica Vandenbroeke

Founder Jessica Vandenbroeke

Our Intention is…

To create and inspire simple, delicious solutions that support the health of our communities while enhancing the quality of their experience of life.

Our Values include…

Quality.  We select the freshest organic or local ingredients {better than organic}.  We prepare our juice and food with care in small batches.  Our juice is raw and NEVER heated, pasteurized or HPP’d (high pressure processed).

Taste.  We know that healthy lifestyle choices are as or more delicious than any gourmet restaurant.  Gone are the days when you went on a ‘diet’ and ate cardboard.  Our vibrant foods are full of color, flavor, fresh herbs, spices and nutrient dense superfoods.

Sustainability.  We aim to support and protect our earth and its vital resources.  Our juices are bottled in glass, an endlessly recyclable and reusable material.  Our takeaway food dishes are packaged in compostable containers and bags.  We provide reusable bags for our customers to purchase or borrow with purchase.  We reduce our waste stream significantly by partnering with local farms to ensure all of our raw vegetable scraps are fed to their pigs, chickens or composted for the gardens.  We use very earth friendly cleaners like essential oils, vinegar and baking soda.  We recycle every material we possibly can.

Community.  We participate as thought leaders in many community conversations concerning sustainability, health and our future.  We donate to and support many local charities.  Several times per week we offer below cost juice deals to support those on tighter budgets.  Our incredible staff is our greatest asset and we strive to support them in every way.  Sacred commerce is a daily practice because we believe that it is possible to have a thriving business where we support each other, our customers, our vendors, our partners and our community to have deeply satisfying connections in every experience inspiring a new paradigm in how success in business is defined.